Exploring all things cyber security, cloud computing & process automation.
In the spirit of dogfooding, this simple little website is driven by the powers of automation! Behind the scenes there is a little man pushing butto... I mean, there's gitlab CI pipeline running the show. The pipelines basic premise is to watch a repo for updates, on a push, lint the repo, build the sites pages and publish them to the test site. Also, upon tagging a release in the repo, the code is promoted to the production site. Where you're viewing it right now. Not complex tasks by any means, but why do something by hand more than once if you don't have to?
The site itself is comprised of a few different projects strung together. The JSON-resume project(jsonresume.org) is what inspired me to build this in the first place. In it's simplest form, json resume enables you to fill out a schema with your resume information, then export it in numerous different formats. PDF and HTML included. It can also be styled with various community contributed themes. So when the headhunters ask you to re-do your resume in a format they like better, you can simply re-export it with a different theme. The first theme you see when clicking the "Resume" link here is "class", in case you were wondering. You can see a couple other examples by adding a filename to the link. eg: lmarty.com/resume/resume-paper.html, resume-plain.html, resume-spartan.html. Super cool stuff.
The next project involved is the mega fun "Skillset" by Jac21(https://github.com/Jac21/SkillSet). This is what creates the cool D3.js skills map visualization the "skillset" link brings you to. It parses the skills section out of your JSON formatted resume, creates the relationship visualization and serves it up via a small java app. Really easy to use and I just love dragging those bubbles around.
The main site page itself was found on a search for "top single page sites", copied and modified to fit my needs. It origianally came from squarespace I found, and they were doing all sorts of nasty tracking and other fun analytics behind the scenes. It took a few days to really dissect the page itself and figure out what all the scripts were doing But, alas, I was able to trim all the crud out. These projects were strung together with a gitlab pipeline to lint the input, build the pages, theme the resume, then publish it all to my webhost. End result, this page. Hope you've enjoyed this quick peek into what I do!